Victor Herrera

Mexico Wedding Photographer

Boda en Sereno Art Hotel San Cristobal de las casas wedding in Chiapas

Ivan and Eyvi's wedding in San Cristobal de las Casas was a truly magical and unforgettable experience. Located in the beautiful city of San Cristobal de las Casas Chiapas, Mexico, this intimate wedding at the Sereno Art Hotel was a dream come true for the happy couple.

As a San Cristobal de las Casas wedding photographer, I was honored to be a part of this special day and capture every precious moment. The Sereno Hotel is a stunning colonial house that has been beautifully remodeled, with breathtaking paintings by Mexican artists that transport you to another time. The human warmth of the staff made everyone feel at home, and the strict health and safety measures in place were greatly appreciated.

The food at the wedding was a true delight, thanks to the culinary skills of Chef Jorge Gordillo. Every bite was a treat for the palate, and the overall event was made even more special by the talented team of wedding suppliers, including Daniel Bastar (wedding planner), Sucre Sucre (cake), Alejandra Tacias (wedding dress), Mario Gomez (groom's attire), Libellule (furniture), Ivyes (invitations and stationery design), Las Flores de Helis (floral design), Punto Red (video), Molto Allegro (string music), Jesus Mazza (makeup), and myself (photographer).

Overall, Ivan and Eyvi's San Cristobal de las Casas Chiapas wedding was a beautiful and memorable occasion, and I am grateful to have been a part of it as a San Cristobal de las Casas wedding photographer. If you're planning a wedding in San Cristobal de las Casas or any other location in Chiapas, Mexico, I highly recommend hiring a professional photographer to capture every precious moment of your special day.

When I think of San Cristobal de las Casas, I have in my mind a beautiful romantic city that sneaks stealthily into every corner of your heart to end up falling in love with its colors, its flavors, its people, its climate and that is how it weaves in your heart a desire to always want to return to this beautiful city of our Chiapas. Having a wedding in San Cristobal de las Casas is a dream, as a wedding photographer in San Cristobal de las Casas, I love to photograph weddings here in San Cristobal de las Casas.

However, I am convinced that love is the greatest and infinite power in the universe and there is nothing that can stop it and after this global pandemic that has brought so much pain it is a privilege for me to be able to tell stories of love.

Daniel Bastar Wedding Planner from Chiapas invited me to be part of this magical wedding in San Cristobal de las Casas that together with the Sereno Art Hotel gave me the opportunity to get to know even better a wonderful couple. Ivan and Eyvi, Ivan I had the opportunity to meet him as Mr. Model Chiapas 2019, for the exhibition I did of the 50+ and now to be able to meet his bride was a pleasure. Ivan and Eivy's wedding in San Cristobal de las Casas was a great experience and even more to be able to be a wedding photographer in San Cristobal de las Casas.

The multiple emotions in this project lead me to tell you about my experience covering a post COVID wedding at the Sereno Art Hotel in San Cristobal de las Casas.

The Sereno Hotel is a colonial house that I can say almost special for intimate weddings in San Cristobal de las Casas that has a special charm because every corner tells you something of what has happened in that majestic house over the years, now remodeled with beautiful paintings by various Mexican artists transport you to a time of dream.

However, its secret is the human warmth with which the staff welcomes you, that makes you feel at home from the moment you enter, the 7 rooms that the hotel has allowed us to stay with the 10 people who were invited to the wedding and my wife and my little baby.

The security measures are very good from the moment you enter, you are received with all the appropriate measures to preserve your health, it is very important to know that the hotel sanitized the entire place before we arrived and was closed exclusively for the participants of the wedding, that was something that really surprised me.

Another point in its favor was the food, wow it is a true delight to taste the dishes of Chef Jorge Gordillo, he makes it a delight to the palate in every bite.

We always need to have a couple in love, but it is also essential to have the best suppliers to make an event a success and personally I am sure that is something that Daniel Bastar achieved by bringing together the best in this wedding.

I leave you the list and I hope you enjoy this beautiful story of Ivan and Eyvi.

Wedding Planner: Daniel Bastar

Cake: Sucre Sucre

Wedding Dress: Alejandra Tacias

Groom Dress: Mario Gomez

Furniture: Libellule

Invitations and stationery design: Ivyes

Floral Design: Las Flores de Helis

Video: Punto Red

String music: Molto Allegro

Banquet and location: Sereno Art Hotel

Gown: H & A

Chef: Jorge Gordillo

Makeup: Jesus Mazza

Photography: Victor Herrera

Cuando pienso en San Cristobal de las Casas, tengo en mi mente una hermosa ciudad romántica que se escabulle sigilosamente en cada rincón de tu corazón para terminar enamorándote con sus colores, sus sabores, su gente, su clima y así es como teje en tu corazón un deseo para querer regresar siempre a esta hermosa ciudad de nuestro Chiapas. Tener una boda en San Cristobal de las Casas es un sueño, como fotógrafo de bodas en San Cristobal de las Casas, me encanta hacer fotografías en bodas aquí en San Cristobal de las Casas.

Sin embargo, estoy convencido que el amor es el poder más grande e infinito en el universo y no haya nada que pueda detenerlo y después de esta pandemia mundial que tanto dolor a traído es un privilegio para mí poder contar historias de amor.

Daniel Bastar Wedding Planner de Chiapas me invito a formar parte de esta mágica boda en san Cristobal de las Casas que junto a el Sereno Art Hotel me dieron la oportunidad de conocer aun mejor a una maravillosa pareja. Ivan y Eyvi, a Iván tuve la oportunidad de conocerlo como el mister Model Chiapas 2019, para la exposición que hice de los 50+ y poder ahora conocer a su novia fue un placer. La boda de Ivan y Eivy en San Cristobal de las Casas fue toda una experiencia y más poder ser yo yu fotógrafo de bodas en San Cris

Las múltiples emociones en este proyecto me llevan a contarles mi experiencia al realizar la cobertura de una boda post COVID en el Sereno Art Hotel en San Cristobal de las Casas.

El hotel Sereno es una casa colonial que puedo decir casi especial para bodas intimas en San Cristobal de las Casas que cuenta con un encanto especial pues cada rincón te cuenta algo de lo que ha sucedido en esa majestuosa casa a lo largo de los años, ahora remodelado con hermosas pinturas de varios Artistas Mexicanos te transportan a una época de en sueño.

Sin embargo, su secreto es la calidez humana con la que te reciben su personal eso hace que desde que entras te sientas como en tu casa, las 7 habitaciones que tiene el hotel nos permitieron hospedarnos a las 10 personas que fueron invitadas a la boda y a mi esposa y mi pequeño baby.

Las medidas de seguridad son muy buenas desde que entras, te reciben con todas la medidas adecuadas para preservar tu salud, es muy importante que sepas que el hotel sanitizo el todo el lugar antes que llegaremos y estuvo cerrado exclusivamente para los participantes de la boda, eso fue algo que verdaderamente me sorprendió.

Otro punto a su favor fue la comida, wow es una verdadera delicia probar los platillos del Chef Jorge Gordillo, hace que sea un deleite al paladar en cada bocado.

Siempre necesitamos tener una pareja enamorada, pero también es indispensable tener los mejores proveedores para que un evento sea un éxito y personalmente estoy seguro que es algo que logro Daniel Bastar al reunir a los mejores en esta boda.

Te dejo las lista y espero disfrutes de esta hermosa historia de Iván y Eyvi

Wedding Planner: Daniel Bastar

Pastel: Sucre Sucre

Vestido novia: Alejandra Tacias

Vestido novio: Mario Gomez

Mobiliario: Libellule

Invitaciones y diseño papelería: Ivyes

Diseño Floral: Las Flores de Helis

Video: Punto Red

Música de cuerdas: Molto Allegro

Banquete y locación: Sereno Art Hotel

Bata: H & A

Chef: Jorge Gordillo

Maquillaje: Jesus Mazza

Fotografía: Victor Herrera

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